Call for Proposals!

The AMIA Conference Committee invites submissions for session and workshop proposals for the 2013 Annual Conference in Richmond, Virginia

The Conference Committee encourages papers, panels and posters on all issues to do with audiovisual archives with particular emphasis in the areas of problem solving, technical issues and the digital archive.  The goal of the Conference is to present a program that includes a wide variety of topics and a balance of theory and practice, inviting new ideas and concepts that may stimulate additional interest, involvement and educational benefit.

To see the Proposal Form requirements, you can download a 2013 Proposal Form PDF.  All submissions must be made through the online system, but because there is a lot of information required, and we don’t want you to lose your work at any time, please download the form and use it as a worksheet to gather the information for your online submission.   There isn’t a print option at the end of the submission form, so your worksheet will be your copy of what you’ve submitted.

If you have difficulty with the online submission process, please contact us at amia@amianet.orgProposal deadline is May 10, 2013.

Proposal Form Button

Your form must be complete or it cannot be processed.

We encourage you to read Tips for a Successful Proposal.  It explains the Peer Review process, and offers information and tips on what the reviewers and the Conference Committee consider in the proposal process.


Please indicate if your session is intended for beginning, intermediate or advanced audences.


Proposal submissions may include the following formats:

  • WORKSHOP. Limited-enrollment session of half day or full day, usually designed to teach or refine skills.
  • REPORT/PAPER PRESENTATION. Fully prepared papers/reports of 15-30 minutes each and may include a comment-and-discussion period. Report/Paper presentations are typically scheduled for 30 minute slots.
  • PANEL DISCUSSION. Session consisting of a panel of three to four individuals who discuss a variety of theories or perspectives on the given topic.
  • POSTER. Presentation to an audience who is walking through a hallway or exhibit. During poster sessions, the presenter usually stands next to the poster, allowing for attendees to engage in one-on-one discussions with the presenter.
  • OTHER. If your proposed session is neither a Presentation nor Panel Discussion nor Poster, you will be asked to describe your proposed format.


The Committee uses the peer-review notes to program the best mix of sessions and workshops.  The categories you check will help the reviewers consider their comments, and will help the Conference Committee in composing the final program.


The Proposal Form will ask for you to list any other requirements for your session. This may list include special av equipment, handouts, flipcharts, travel funding for speakers. It must include all requests – this will be the only opportunity to make special requests of this type.

If you are requesting additional funding of any kind it is important that you note whether or not you will be able to proceed with the session should the funding you have requested not be available. You will be asked to provide a detailed estimate of each expense requested.

Please note: Speakers or other participants in the program must register and secure institutional or personal funding. AMIA travel funding is extremely limited, and while you may request funding for speakers it is important that your proposal is not reliant on travel funding.


The Conference Committee encourages submission of proposals that may include, but are not limited to, the following formats:

  • REPORT/PAPER PRESENTATION. A chair is not required for this format; chair duties may be performed by the speaker, who must also be designated as the key contact for the session. You may propose a single paper (30 minutes) presentation.
  • PANEL DISCUSSION. Session of 60 or 90 minutes, consisting of a panel of three to four individuals who discuss a variety of theories or perspectives on the given topic. Description of each speaker’s topic is required.
  • POSTER. Presentation to an audience who is walking through a hallway or exhibit. During poster sessions, the presenter usually stands next to the poster, allowing for attendees to engage in one-on-one discussions with the presenter.
  • OTHER. If your proposed session is neither a Presentation nor Panel Discussion nor Poster, you will be asked to describe your proposed format.
  • WORKSHOP. Limited-enrollment session of half day or full day, usually designed to teach or refine skills.


Participants in the program must register and secure institutional or personal funding.

The Conference Committee’s task is to have a global vision to ensure a stimulating, balanced and professional program that will meet the diverse needs of our members. The Committee is unable to accept all proposals submitted; and, some individuals who propose sessions may be asked to revise their proposals to help meet the wider needs of the program.

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